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Clarifai Models

Pre-built, pre-trained, pre-optimized models that work right out of the box

Our model library is constantly growing and developing. To learn more about the available models, you can:

Pre-Built Clarifai Models

Clarifai models are "trainable" machine learning models that have been developed in-house and have been thoroughly tested.

Clarifai models are ready to make predictions right out of the box.

For example, our general-image-recognition model recognizes over 10,000 different concepts, including objects, themes, moods, and more, with outputs in 23 different languages. Our food-item-recognition model recognizes more than 1,000 food items in images, down to the ingredient level.

So, before you train your own model, we suggest trying out any of our state-of-the-art models to see if any fits your needs.

Agent System Operator Models

Agent system operator models are "non-trainable", or "fixed function" models that help you connect, route, and control the inputs and outputs that you send through your workflows. Operator models are critical building blocks for creating more advanced workflows.


Click here to learn more about the different types of agent system operators we offer.