Usage & Operations Tab
Get detailed insights into your consumption of the Clarifai platform
The Usage & Operations is the main page that provides detailed insights into your consumption of the Clarifai platform. It offers metrics, charts, and reports that allow you to monitor usage patterns, track performance, and optimize resource allocation.
To access it, go to the Control Center and select the Usage & Operations tab in the collapsible left sidebar.
You can use the date range control in the upper-right corner of the page to filter and view data for specific time periods. After selecting a date range, the output of the page will be based on the selected period. You can learn more about the feature here.
The overview section of the Usage & Operations page gives you a quick analysis of how you used the Clarifai platform during the selected period.
It tells you:
- The total number of model predictions you’ve made
- The total number of search operations you’ve made
- The average number of inputs you’ve added and stored in the platform
- The total training hours of your transfer learning models
- The total training hours of your deep train models
Let’s talk about the different elements of the page.
The Usage & Operations page has several charts that help you visualize your utilization of our platform during a selected period.
Let’s talk about some functionalities that are common across the charts.
Drag charts — You can easily drag a chart up and down within the page by clicking and holding the dots in its upper-left corner. This allows you to customize the layout and manage the charts that appear in the page.
Pin icon — The pin icon allows you to "pin" or "save" charts for quick access. If you click it, the chart will be displayed in the Overview section within the Control Center. This ensures that it remains easily accessible in the Control Center. If the pin icon is highlighted in the Usage & Operations page, it indicates that the respective chart has already been saved to the Overview section.
Change chart display — You can choose to display the type of chart you want by clicking its icon in the upper-right corner — a bar chart, a line graph, a donut chart, or any other chart available.
Tooltip — If you hover over a chart, a tooltip is displayed, which shows the exact number of different actions performed for that particular date. In the tooltip, the type of action that is currently hovered over is highlighted, allowing you to easily identify which item is in focus.
Color-coding — Each type of task in the charts within the page is represented by its own distinct color. This color-coding provides a clear visual distinction between the types of activities, making it easier for users to track and compare their trends across the displayed dates.
View Report Details
If you click the View Report Details button in the lower-right corner of a chart, you’ll be redirected to a detailed report page. This page provides a comprehensive breakdown of each type of action.
The chart in the detailed report page displays all the activities performed, plotted against specific dates. If you want to focus on a particular activity, simply click the block at the top showing its corresponding number. This action will filter the chart to display only the selected activity.
The table in the page includes the date each activity was performed and features a search function for finding specific items. Additionally, you can sort the items in the table for easier navigation.
After viewing the detailed report, you can go back to the Usage & Operations page by clicking the Back button in the upper-left corner.
Total Number of Operations
This section shows the total number of operations you've performed, along with the daily average, during the selected time period. It includes both model predictions and search operations.
A stacked bar chart (displayed by default) or a line graph shows the number of each type of operation plotted against specific dates.
Total Training Hours
This section displays the total hours spent training your models, along with the daily average, for the selected time period. It breaks the hours down by transfer learning models and deep training models.
A stacked bar chart (displayed by default) or a line graph shows the number of training hours for each type of model plotted against specific dates.
Total Inputs Stored
This section displays the number of inputs you’ve added and stored in the Clarifai platform for the selected time period. The average number of stored inputs across the time period is displayed in the top section.
A bar chart (displayed by default) or a line graph shows the number of inputs plotted against specific dates.
Total Model Predictions by Type
This section displays the total number of model predictions, and the daily average, for the selected time period. It shows the predictions by model type.
A bar chart (displayed by default) shows the type of models plotted against the number of predictions. In a donut chart, the number of model predictions is visualized and grouped by type.
Total Model Predictions by ID
This section displays the total number of model predictions, and the daily average, for the selected time period. It shows the predictions by model ID.
A bar chart (displayed by default) shows the ID of models plotted against the number of predictions. In a donut chart, the number of model predictions is visualized and grouped by type.
Model Predictions by Type and Date
This section displays the total number of model predictions, and the daily average, for the selected time period. It shows the predictions by model type and date.
A stacked bar chart (displayed by default) or a line graph shows the number of predictions by model type plotted against specific dates.
Model Predictions by ID and Date
This section displays the total number of model predictions, and the daily average, for the selected time period. It shows the predictions by model ID and date.
A stacked bar chart (displayed by default) or a line graph shows the number of predictions by model ID plotted against specific dates.