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Create, Get, Update, Delete

Manage your datasets

The Clarifai portal allows you to create new datasets and carry out various management tasks on them.

Create Datasets

Create a New Dataset

To create a new dataset, head to the individual page of your application. Then, select the App Datasets option on the collapsible left sidebar.

You'll be redirected to the Datasets manager page, where you can create new datasets and view already created ones. Click the Create Dataset button at the top-right corner of the page.

On the New Dataset page, provide an ID and a short description of the dataset. Then, click the Create button.

You'll be redirected to the created dataset's page, where you can accomplish various tasks, such as:

  • Adding inputs to a dataset
  • Getting labels
  • Training a model

Add Inputs

To add inputs to a dataset, click the Add Inputs button at the top-right corner of the individual page of the dataset. Then, upload them on the inputs uploader pop-up.

Get Labels

To get labels, click the Get Labels button at the top-right corner of the individual page of the dataset. You'll be redirected to the New Labeling Task page, where you can create and assign a new labeling task to members of your team.

Train a Model

To train a model, click the Train a Model button at the top-right corner of the individual page of the dataset. You'll be redirected to the Create new Model page, where you can create a new custom model for your use case.

Create a Dataset Version

A dataset can change over time because of various reasons, such as the addition of new inputs or the removal of inputs. With dataset versioning, you can assign a unique identifier to a specific version of a dataset.

A dataset version can help you achieve many things, such as:

  • Refer to a specific dataset version and recreate the same results. This can help you to have a clear reference to what data was used at a particular point in time.
  • Ensure everyone in your team is working on the same dataset. This reduces confusion and errors, and leads to accurate results.
  • Track the changes you've made to a dataset over time. This can help you to determine whether you're improving the quality and quantity of your dataset.

After adding inputs to a dataset, you can create a version that bookmarks the state of your data so that you can apply a specific version of the dataset for future iterations.

To create a new dataset version, go to the individual page of the newly created dataset and click the New version button.

Next, click the Update status button.

The inputs and annotations in your dataset will be displayed under the Overview tab.

The versions of the datasets you've created will be displayed under the Versions tab.

Get Datasets

Get a List of Datasets

To get a list of datasets, head to the individual page of your application. Then, select the App Datasets option on the collapsible left sidebar.

You'll be redirected to the Datasets manager page, where you can get the already created datasets in your application.

Export a Dataset

You can also export the inputs in your dataset, alongside their annotations, to an external storage system. Start by selecting the format you want to use for exporting your dataset. To do so, click the gear icon at the extreme end of a dataset field.

From the list that drops down, select your preferred export format. You can select any of the following data formats:

  • Clarifai-Data-Protobuf, which is the default

  • Clarifai-Data-JSON

  • COCO

After selecting your preferred export format, click the Generate button. Once the export file has been processed, the Generate button will become a Download button, which you can click to download your dataset.


The export feature only works after adding inputs to a dataset and creating and selecting a dataset version.

Copy a Dataset ID

To copy a dataset ID to the clipboard, go to its individual page and click the copy button next to the dataset's ID.

Merge Datasets

The Clarifai Platform also allows users to merge datasets together for specific purposes. The easiest way to merge datasets via the UI is to leverage Input Filters and the two bulk selection checkboxes. From the Inputs page, first select the dataset that you will be adding inputs from, using the datasets filter. Below we've selected the tolabel-1 dataset.

Next, click the checkbox above the image thumbnails. As you continue scrolling and loading more images, this number should update to include the newly loaded inputs as well.

For now, click on Dataset… in the bottom toolbar, which should have appeared after you had selected some inputs.

Doing so will open an Edit Datasets of n inputs tab on the screen. From here, you'll want to select the dataset that you want to add the selected inputs into (ie. your training dataset) as well as check the Apply to all search results checkbox.


There are two checkboxes: the "25 selected" checkbox selects only the inputs currently loaded on the screen, while the "Apply to all search results" checkbox, found in the bottom toolbar options, applies your selection to all inputs matching the current searches/filters in the UI.

From there, click the Add n+ inputs button to add the inputs from the tolabel-1 dataset into the selected training dataset. Afterwards, make sure to update the dataset version of your training dataset so that the latest one reflects the newly added inputs and annotations.

Update Datasets

Update a Dataset Version

After making some changes to your dataset—such as adding or removing inputs, or adding or removing annotations—you may want to update your dataset version to reflect the changes.

To update a dataset version, go to the individual page of the dataset and select the Refresh Metrics option that drops down after clicking the ellipsis at the top-right corner of the page.

Next, click the Update status button.

The updated inputs and annotations in your dataset will be displayed under the Overview tab.

You can also choose the dataset version you'd like to use from the Selected Version drop-down list.

Auto-Generated Versions

As you navigate through the versions tab in Dataset section, you might come across auto-generated dataset versions.

There are two different cases where the platform will create "auto-generated-*" dataset versions:

  1. If you train a model and only select a dataset, but not a corresponding dataset version.
  2. During the model evaluation process, auto-generated dataset versions are used to store the different ground truths and predictions during the model evaluation process, which are then used to further calculate the actual evaluation metrics.

Delete Datasets

To delete a dataset, go to the individual page of the dataset and select the Delete Dataset option that drops down after clicking the ellipsis at the top-right corner of the page.


Please proceed with extreme caution, as deleted datasets cannot be recovered.