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Combine or Negate

Add or subtract items from your search query

Negate Search Criteria

You can find all the data that is NOT similar to a given criteria.

To do so, go to your app and select the Inputs option on the collapsible left sidebar. You’ll be redirected to the Inputs Manager page where you can see the inputs available on your app.

Next, on the Labels section, identify the concept you want to find its negative values and click the checkbox next to it.

After selecting the concept, hover over it. Double arrows will appear with the following tooltip: Filter for inputs that do NOT match this value. Click the double arrows.

smart image search results

You’ll notice that the word NOT will be added to the concept, and the search results will be populated on the page.

For example, you can search for all inputs that are NOT annotated as “dog”.

smart image search results

Combine Search Criteria

You can add together multiple search parameters to expand your search. You can even combine negated search terms for more advanced tasks.

For example, you can combine two concepts and search by them.

Combining search criteria always uses the "AND" operation. "OR" is not an option.