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Building Workflow Graphs

Learn how to build workflows using Clarifai SDKs

Unlock the potential of efficient data processing pipelines tailored precisely to your unique requirements with this empowering feature. As you embark on the journey of constructing workflow graphs, you gain unprecedented flexibility to seamlessly connect and orchestrate a diverse array of models, operators, and processing steps. Whether your focus is on integrating sophisticated image classification, precise object detection, or custom operators, our SDK offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Experience the freedom to effortlessly create, modify, and optimize workflow graphs, empowering you to design and implement highly specialized data processing pipelines that align seamlessly with your specific needs.

Create Workflow

Designing and implementing workflows is a crucial aspect of building a robust and flexible inference pipeline. Workflows offer a modular architecture that serves as the foundation for both sophisticated machine learning ensemble modeling and seamless integration of business logic. These workflows empower you to streamline your processes, enhance model performance, and effectively handle diverse tasks in your machine learning endeavors. Workflow can be created with the SDK using a YAML specification.

To know more about workflows visit this link.

from clarifai.client.user import User

# Your PAT (Personal Access Token) can be found in the Account's Security section
# Specify the correct user_id/app_id pairings
# Since you're making inferences outside your app's scope
USER_ID = "user_id"
APP_ID = "app_id"

app = User(user_id=USER_ID, pat="YOUR_PAT").create_app(
app_id=APP_ID, base_workflow="Empty"

# create a yaml file specifying the workflow structure
# eg:
id: wf-prompter-llm
- id: prompter
model_id: prompter
model_type_id: prompter
description: 'Prompter Model'
prompt_template: 'Classify sentiment between postive and negative for the text {data.text.raw}'

- id: llm
user_id: mistralai
model_id: mistral-7B-Instruct
app_id: completion

- node_id: prompter


# create the workflow
prompter_llm_workflow = app.create_workflow(config_filepath="configs/prompter_llm.yml")

Patch Workflow

After creating a workflow, you can perform patch operations on it by merging, removing, or overwriting data. By default, all actions support overwriting, with specific behaviors for lists of objects.

  • The merge action updates an existing key:value pair with key:new_value or appends to an existing list. For dictionaries, it merges objects that share a matching id field.
  • The remove action is only used to delete the workflow's cover image on the platform UI.
  • The overwrite action fully replaces an existing object with a new one.

Below is an example of performing patch operations on a workflow, where the YAML configuration is updated, and changes are made to its description, notes, and image URL.

from import App

app = App(app_id="YOUR_APP_ID_HERE", user_id="YOUR_USER_ID_HERE", pat="YOUR_PAT_HERE")

# Update an existing workflow to use a different yml configuration like "demographics"
WORKFLOW_ID = general_workflow.kwargs['id']
app.patch_workflow(workflow_id=WORKFLOW_ID, action="merge", config_filepath="configs/demographics.yml")

# Update workflow details, such as description, notes, etc
app.patch_workflow(workflow_id=WORKFLOW_ID, action="merge", description="description", notes="notes", image_url="")

# Remove the workflow's image by specifying the 'remove' action
app.patch_workflow(workflow_id=WORKFLOW_ID, action="remove", image_url="")

Examples for YAML-based Workflows

Node NameInput & OutputDescriptionExample Usage
audio-to-textAudio -> TextClassify audio signal into string of text.
barcode-operatorImage -> TextOperator that detects and recognizes barcodes from the image. It assigns regions with barcode text for each detected barcode. Supports EAN/UPC, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code.
Centroid TrackerFrames -> Track IDCentroid trackers rely on the Euclidean distance between centroids of regions in different video frames to assign the same track ID to detections of the same object.
ClustererEmbeddings -> ClustersCluster semantically similar images and video frames together in embedding space. This is the basis for good visual search within your app at scale or for grouping your data together without the need for annotated concepts
embeddings-classifierEmbeddings -> ConceptsClassify images or texts based on the embedding model that has indexed them in your app. Transfer learning leverages feature representations from a pre-trained model based on massive amounts of data, so you don't have to train a new model from scratch and can learn new things very quickly with minimal training data
image-color-recognizerImage -> ColorsRecognize standard color formats and the proportion each color that covers an image
image-to-textImage -> TextTakes in cropped regions with text in them and returns the text it sees.
kalman-filter-trackerFrames -> Track IDKalman Filter trackers rely on the Kalman Filter algorithm to estimate the next position of an object based on its position and velocity in previous frames. Then detections are matched to predictions by using the Hungarian algorithm
kalman-reid-trackerFrames -> Track IDKalman reid tracker is a kalman filter tracker that expects the Embedding proto field to be populated for detections, and reassigns track IDs based off of embedding distance
neural-lite-trackerFrames -> Track IDNeural Lite Tracker uses light-weight trainable graphical models to infer states of tracks and perform associations using hybrid similairty of lou and centroid distance
neural-trackerFrames -> Track IDNeural Tracker uses neural probabilistic models to perform filtering and association
optical-character-recognizerImage -> TextDetect bounding box regions in images or video frames where text is present and then output the text read with the score
tesseract-operatorImage -> TextOperator for Optical Character Recognition using the Tesseract libraries
text-classifierText -> ConceptsClassify text into a set of concepts
text-embedderText -> EmbeddingsEmbed text into a vector representing a high level understanding from our Al models. These embeddings enable similarity search and training on top of them
text-token-classifierText -> ConceptsClassify tokens from a set of entity classes
visual-classifierImage -> ConceptsClassify images and videos frames into set of concepts
visual-detectorImage -> Bounding BoxDetect bounding box regions in images or video frames where things and then classify objects, descriptive words or topics within the boxes
visual-embedderImage -> EmbeddingsEmbed images and videos frames into a vector representing a high level understanding from our Al models. These embeddings enable visual search and training on top of them
visual-segmenterImage -> ConceptsSegment a per-pixel mask in images where things are and then classify objects, descriptive words or topics within the masks
concept-thresholderConcepts -> ConcpetsThreshold input concepts according to both a threshold and an operator (>, >=, =, <=, or <). For example, assume the " > " threshold type is set for the model, then if the input concept value is greater than the threshold for that concept, the input concept will be output from this model, otherwise it will not be output by the model
random-sampleAny -> AnyRandomly sample allowing the input to pass to the output. This is done with the conditional keep_fraction > rand() where keep_fraction is the fraction to allow through on average
region-thresholderConcepts -> ConceptsThreshold regions based on the concepts that they contain using a threshold per concept and an overall operator (>, >=, =, <=, or <). For example, assume the " > " threshold type is set for the model, then if the input regions[...].data.concepts.value is greater than the threshold for that concept, the input concept will be output from this model, otherwise it will not be output by the model. If the entire list of concepts at regions[...].data.concepts is filtered out then the overall region will also be removed
byte-trackerFrame -> Track IDUses byte tracking algorithm for tracking objects
concept-synonym-mapperConcept -> ConceptMap the input concepts to output concepts by following synonym concept relations in the knowledge graph of your app
image-alignImage -> ImageAligns images using keypoints
image-cropImage -> ImageCrop the input image according to each input region that is present in the input. When used in a workflow this model can look back along the graph of the workflow to find the input image if the preceding model does not output an image itself so that you can do image -> detector -> cropper type of workflow easily
image-tiling-operatorImage -> ImageOperator for tiling images into a fixed number of equal sized images
image-to-imageImage -> ImageGiven an image, apply a transformation on the input and return the post-processed image as output
input-filterAny -> AnyIf the input going through this model does not match those we are filtering for, it will not be passed on in the workflow branch
input-searcherConcepts,Images,Text -> HitsTriggers a visual search in another app based on the model configs if concept(s) are found in images and returns the matched search hits as regions.
keyword-filter-operatorText -> ConceptsThis operator is initialized with a set of words, and then determines which are found in the input text.
language-id-operatorText -> ConceptsOperator for language identification using the langdetect library
multimodal-embedderAny -> EmbeddingsEmbed text or image into a vector representing a high level understanding from our Al models, e.g. CLIP. These embeddings enable similarity search and training on top of them.
multimodal-to-textAny -> TextGenerate text from either text or images or both as input, allowing it to understand and respond to questions about those images
prompterText -> TextPrompt template where inputted text will be inserted into placeholders marked with (data.text.raw).
rag-prompterText -> TextA prompt template where we will perform a semantic search in the app with the incoming text. The inputted text will be inserted into placeholders marked with '(data.text.raw)' and search results will be inserted into placeholders with '{data.hits}', which will be new line separated
regex-based-classifierText -> ConceptsClassifies text using regex. If the regex matches, the text is classified as the provided concepts.
text-to-audioText -> AudioGiven text input, this model produces an audio file containing the spoken version of the input
text-to-imageText -> ImageTakes in a prompt and generates an image
tiling-region-aggregator-operatorFrames -> Concepts,Bounding BoxOperator to be used as a follow up to the image-tiling-operator and visual detector. This operator will transform the detections on each of tiles back to the original image and perform non-maximum suppression. Only the top class prediction for each box is considered
visual-keypointerImage -> KeypointsThis model detects keypoints in images or video frames.
isolation-operatorConcepts,BoundingBox -> Concepts,BoundingBoxOperator that computes distance between detections and assigns isolation label
object-counterConcepts -> Metadatacount number of regions that match this model's active concepts frame by frame
text-aggregation-operatorText -> TextOperator that combines text detections into text body for the whole image. Detections are sorted from left to right first and then top to bottom, using the top-left corner of the bounding box as reference
tokens-to-entity-operatorText,Concepts -> Text,ConceptsOperator that combines text tokens into entities, e.g. New' + 'York' -> New York
annotation-writerAny -> AnyWrite the input data to the database in the form of an annotation with a specified status as if a specific user created the annotation
aws-lambdaAny -> AnyThis model sends data to an AWS lambda function so you can implement any arbitrary logic to be handled within a model predict or workflow. The request our API sends is a PostModelOutputsRequest in the 'request' field and the response we expect is a MultiOutputResponse response in the 'response' field
emailAny -> AnyEmail alert model will send an email if there are any data fields input to this model
results-pushAny -> AnyThis model pushes clarifai prediction results in an external format
smsAny -> AnySMS alert model will send a SMS if there are any data fields input to this model
status-pushAny -> AnyThis model pushes processing status of a batch of inputs ingested through vendor/inputs endpoint in one request

ASR Sentiment

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) sentiment analysis refers to the process of analyzing the emotional tone or sentiment expressed in spoken language using ASR model.

id: asr-sentiment
- id: audio-speech-recognition
model_id: asr-wav2vec2-large-robust-ft-swbd-300h-english
user_id: facebook
app_id: asr

- id: text-sentiment-classification
model_id: sentiment-analysis-twitter-roberta-base
user_id: erfan
app_id: text-classification

- node_id: audio-speech-recognition


This is a Multi-model workflow that detects, crops, and recognizes demographic characteristics of faces. Visually classifies age, gender, and multi-culture.

id: Demographics
- id: detect-concept
model_id: face-detection
model_version_id: 45fb9a671625463fa646c3523a3087d5

- id: image-crop
model_id: margin-110-image-crop
model_version_id: b9987421b40a46649566826ef9325303
- node_id: detect-concept

- id: demographics-race
model_id: ethnicity-demographics-recognition
model_version_id: b2897edbda314615856039fb0c489796
- node_id: image-crop

- id: demographics-gender
model_id: gender-demographics-recognition
model_version_id: ff83d5baac004aafbe6b372ffa6f8227
- node_id: image-crop

- id: demographics-age
model_id: age-demographics-recognition
model_version_id: fb9f10339ac14e23b8e960e74984401b
- node_id: image-crop

A workflow that combines detection, recognition, and embedding to generate face landmarks and enable visual search using detected faces's embeddings.

id: Face-Search
- id: face-detect
model_id: face-detection
model_version_id: fe995da8cb73490f8556416ecf25cea3

- id: crop
model_id: margin-100-image-crop
model_version_id: 0af5cd8ad40e43ef92154e4f4bc76bef
- node_id: face-detect

- id: face-landmarks
model_id: face-landmarks
model_version_id: 98ace9ca45e64339be94b06011557e2a
- node_id: crop

- id: face-alignment
model_id: landmarks-align
model_version_id: 4bc8b83a327247829ec638c78cde5f8b
- node_id: face-landmarks

- id: face-embed
model_id: face-identification-transfer-learn
model_version_id: fc3b8814fbe54533a3d80a1896dc9884
- node_id: face-alignment

- id: face-cluster
model_id: face-clustering
model_version_id: 621d74074a5443d7ad9dc1503fba9ff0
- node_id: face-embed

Face Sentiment

Multi-model workflow that combines face detection and sentiment classification of 7 concepts: anger, disgust, fear, neutral, happiness, sadness, contempt.

id: Face-Sentiment
- id: face-det
model_id: face-detection
model_version_id: 6dc7e46bc9124c5c8824be4822abe105

- id: margin-110
model_id: margin-110-image-crop
model_version_id: b9987421b40a46649566826ef9325303
- node_id: face-det

- id: face-sentiment
model_id: face-sentiment-recognition
model_version_id: a5d7776f0c064a41b48c3ce039049f65
- node_id: margin-110


A general image detection workflow that detects a variety of common objects, and enable visual search using general embeddings on detected regions.

id: General
- id: general-v1.5-concept
model_id: aaa03c23b3724a16a56b629203edc62c
model_version_id: aa7f35c01e0642fda5cf400f543e7c40

- id: general-v1.5-embed
model_id: bbb5f41425b8468d9b7a554ff10f8581
model_version_id: bb186755eda04f9cbb6fe32e816be104

- id: general-v1.5-cluster
model_id: cccbe437d6e54e2bb911c6aa292fb072
model_version_id: cc2074cff6dc4c02b6f4e1b8606dcb54
- node_id: general-v1.5-embed

Language Aware OCR

A workflows that performs OCR in different languages.

id: wf-ocr
- id: ocr-workflow
model_id: language-aware-multilingual-ocr-multiplex

- id: text-aggregator
model_id: text-aggregation
model_type_id: text-aggregation-operator
avg_word_width_window_factor: 2.0
avg_word_height_window_factor: 1.0

- node_id: ocr-workflow

- id: language-id-operator
model_id: language-id
model_type_id: language-id-operator
library: "fasttext"
topk: 1
threshold: 0.1
lowercase: true

- node_id: text-aggregator

Prompter LLM

A workflow that uses a prompt template with LLM.

id: wf-prompter-llm
- id: prompter
model_id: prompter
model_type_id: prompter
description: 'Prompter Model'
prompt_template: 'Classify sentiment between postive and negative for the text {data.text.raw}'

- id: llm
user_id: mistralai
model_id: mistral-7B-Instruct
app_id: completion

- node_id: prompter

RAG Prompter LLM

This workflow uses LLM with a RAG prompter template.

id: wf-prompter-llm
- id: rag-prompter
model_id: rag-prompter
model_type_id: rag-prompter
description: 'RAG Prompter Model'

- id: llm
user_id: mistralai
model_id: mistral-7B-Instruct
app_id: completion

- node_id: rag-prompter

Visit this link to view some YAML examples.

List workflows

The Clarifai SDKs provides an API that empowers users to effortlessly retrieve a comprehensive list of all workflows accessible within an app. This functionality enables seamless exploration and management of workflows, facilitating a streamlined experience for developers to interact with and leverage the power of Clarifai's workflow capabilities.

To know more about workflows visit this link.

from import App

# Your PAT (Personal Access Token) can be found in the Account's Security section
app = App(app_id="APP_ID", user_id="USER_ID", pat="YOUR_PAT")

for workflow in app.list_workflows(page_no=1,per_page=7):
print("Workflow ID: ",
Workflow ID:  object_track

Workflow ID: video_track

Workflow ID: multimodal_to_text

Workflow ID: text_to_audio

Workflow ID: upscale_workflow

Workflow ID: image_generation

Workflow ID: text_generation

Delete workflows

The Clarifai SDKs empowers users to seamlessly delete workflows through the API by specifying the unique identifier of the workflow. This functionality provides a straightforward method for users to manage and remove workflows as needed within their applications or projects. By utilizing the provided workflow id parameter, developers can efficiently interact with the Clarifai platform to streamline workflow management processes.

To know more about workflows visit this link.


Be certain that you want to delete a particular workflow as the operation cannot be undone.

from import App

# Your PAT (Personal Access Token) can be found in the Account's Security section
app = App(app_id="APP_ID", user_id="USER_ID", pat="YOUR_PAT")
# Delete the workflow within an application
2024-01-18 16:34:46 INFO                                              

Workflow Deleted


description: "Ok"

req_id: "a979f35e9c826bb9046f4d92879c6b7c"

Export workflow

The Clarifai SDKs provides a powerful feature for initiating or swiftly modifying existing Clarifai community workflows through an intuitive YAML configuration. With the export functionality, users can effortlessly download a YAML file representing the entire workflow. This file serves as a local copy, allowing seamless edits and providing the flexibility to create and manage new workflows with ease.

To know more about workflows visit this link.

from clarifai.client.workflow import Workflow

# Your PAT (Personal Access Token) can be found in the Account's Security section

workflow_url = ""
demographics_workflow = Workflow(
url=workflow_url , pat="YOUR_PAT"
Now the parameters of each model can be changed and new workflow can be easily created by app.create_workflow().

Here we change the margin parameter of the image cropper node to be 1.5

- id: image-crop
model_id: margin-100-image-crop-custom
model_type_id: image-crop
description: Custom crop model
margin: 1.5
