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Deprecation of closed_environment in favor of enrich_dataset

Learn about deprecation of closed_environment


January 26th, 2023


Deprecation of closed_environment in favor of enrich_dataset for creating embedding-classifier models


When using the PostModels endpoint to create a custom embedding-classifier model, you could include the closed_environment variable, as part of the modelVersion.OutputInfo.OutputConfig struct.

The variable accepted a Boolean value and specified whether a pre-stored dataset, of (usually) negative embeddings, should be added to the training process of your model. This generally leads to higher model accuracy without any additional effort on your end.

  • If closed_environment was set to False, which was the default action, we would try to use additional negative embeddings during the training process. However, the default action would fail if the underlying base model did not have negative embeddings.

  • If it was set to True, it meant that the user wanted a closed environment for the training and therefore we did not add additional negative embeddings. This worked for all embedding models.

We plan to replace it with enrich_dataset that is specified inside modelVersion.TrainInfo.Params when creating embedding-classifiers, which is the only type of model that supports it.

The enrich_dataset variable will be implemented as an ENUM instead of a BOOL so that it can have two options: Automatic (default) and Disabled.

  • Automatic means that if there are negative embeddings for a base model, we will use them—and we won’t use them if they’re not available. So, the training will not fail if the underlying embeddings do not have negative embeddings.

  • Disabled means that we should not use the negative embeddings whether they are available or not.

That way, enrich_dataset fixes the problem with closed_environment. Previously, setting the closed_environment variable to False (the default value) would fail if the base model didn’t have the negatives for it.

This change will also affect the PostModelVersions endpoint.