| Added ability to browse the resources in a template | - You can now access a modal popup on a template’s overview page that allows you to easily view the resources available in it, including inputs, datasets, models, workflows, and modules.
 | Introduced an easier way to add collaborators | - We added an option to add app collaborators from the App Overview screen.
 | Introduced underscores for creating an app ID | - You can now use underscores when creating an app ID.
 | Moved app templates and starred apps to their own paths | - Previously, we implemented this as parameter filters. We relocated templates and starred filters to separate URLs. You can now access templates at
apps/templates and starred apps at apps/starred .
 | Disabled Use Model button for models with no versions | - As it's not possible to send API calls to models with no versions, we've disabled the Use Model button if no version exists. Therefore, you'll need to create a version first before using a model.
 | Increased font size for various texts in mobile view | - We enhanced the readability of texts in various areas, such as app IDs, user IDs, and field placeholders, by increasing their font size in mobile view.
 | Added resource pricing on the Model-Viewer page for some types of models | - We added pricing information for these model types:
text-to-text , image-to-text , and multimodal-to-text .
 | Fixed an issue with filtering templates | - Previously, when selecting a template from the app creation modal, toggling between the "All" and "Starred" menu bar options didn't function correctly. We fixed the issue.
 | Fixed an issue with excessively truncated model names | - The long model names are now truncated less aggressively, particularly on desktop devices.
 | Fixed an issue with the app switcher feature for collaborators | The app switcher feature, located in the collapsible left sidebar, allows you to effortlessly switch between different apps. Clicking it reveals a drop-down menu displaying your own apps as well as those you have access to.
- Previously, the app switcher feature produced an error for users in a collaborated app. We fixed this issue, and it now works as intended.
 | Fixed an issue with the browser's "Back" button during user onboarding | - Previously, during user onboarding, the "Back" button didn't allow users to navigate from the Model-Viewer page back to the Community listing page. We fixed this issue.
 | Fixed an issue where modules’ IDs appeared in the collapsed sidebar | - Previously, when you collapsed the left sidebar, the IDs of installed modules in your app could be visible there. We fixed the issue.
 | Fixed an issue where log-in steps sometimes resulted in a "page not found" error | - Users can now log in without encountering any errors.
 | Fixed an issue with “Use Model” modal during the onboarding flow | If you click the “Use Model” button on a Model-Viewer page, a modal will pop up with code snippets for using the model in a workflow.
- Previously, creating a workflow this way was not working properly during a user onboarding; it resulted in multiple redirects. We fixed the issue.
 | Fixed an issue where some essential scopes were missing for collaborators | - We fixed the issue where essential scopes were missing for collaborators, ensuring proper access to apps.