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Release 8.10

New FeatureImprovementBug FixEnterprise Only


new-featureReleased the Community Usage dashboard
  • We publicly released the Usage dashboard that allows you to get measurable insights into your utilization of the Clarifai Community platform during the selected period.
  • We also improved the display of the columns in the dashboard's Training Hours section.
new-featurePublished the OpenVINO face detection model
new-featurePublished the Barcode-QRcode-Reader operator
  • You can now use the Barcode-QRcode-Reader operator to detect and recognize barcodes and QR codes from images.
new-featurePublished the moderation-abuse-japanese model
  • You can now use the moderation-abuse-japanese model to detect harmful texts in the Japanese language. It is a text moderation model finetuned for automatic cyberbullying detection.
new-featurePublished the moderation-abuse-korean model
  • You can now use the moderation-abuse-korean model to detect harmful texts in the Korean language. It is a text moderation model for hate speech/cyberbully detection.
improvementMade changes to the top navigation menu
  • Changed the naming of “Home” to “My Apps.”
  • Changed the style and copy of the “Create an App” button.
  • Added a display of the current Community version in the dropdown options when you click the ? button.
bugFixed an issue where the login button could be displayed to logged-in users in rare cases
  • Previously, a logged-in user navigating the Community platform—such as navigating from Community models to model viewer and selecting any public model or workflow—could see the login button displayed. This occurred occasionally and for a short duration.
bugFixed an issue where editing a workflow via the UI failed to work
  • You can now successfully edit an existing workflow via the simple drag-and-drop interface.


new-featureCreated ListModelConcepts endpoint for listing concepts in a model with pagination
  • Previously, getting a list of concepts used in a model required fetching the model with additional_fields=outputs param or using the GetModelOutputInfo endpoint. However, neither of those endpoints supports pagination, especially for models that have a huge number of concepts.
  • The new ListModelConcepts endpoint adds pagination for easily listing concepts instead of displaying all concepts at once.

Old Portal

bugFixed an issue where TIFF images failed to load when added to the portal
  • TIFF images now render properly in the old portal.