| Use single LabelerToolbar for all labelers, make shared using Context |
| Remove all computation from components, move to selectors for perf |
| Fixed carousel scroll behavior |
| Added button to add collaborator when adding reviewer |
| Post incorrect bounding box. Fixed |
| Refreshing in Labeler Crashes Portal. Fixed |
| Add Grid Review UI to Review Page |
| Panning while playing a video renders rects incorrectly. Fixed |
| Navigation from the task creation page if task creation fails. Fixed |
| Konva: Image filters |
| Konva: Drawing rects |
| Konva: Drawing polygons |
| Smaller shapes should supersede zIndex values if they are engulfed by larger ones |
| Region selectors inefficient and running on each call, bypassing reselect memoization. Fixed |
| v2 interpolation: app crash on reload. Fixed |
| CSS issue causing VideoControls to be inaccessible to mouse. Fixed |
| v2 video: no thumbails in carousel. Fixed |
| v2 keyboard hint showing weird characters. Fixed |
| Selected Shape becomes unselected on playing video (make selection persist across track). Fixed |
| Ron is unable to create a task with AI assist in prod. Fixed |
| Write and Preview Tab style. Fixed |
| Task create form shows name as "undefined undefined" when a user has not filled in profile details. Fixed |
| Input source that was selected should be shown when task selected. Fixed |
| Create order fails if I'm a clarifai user. Fixed |
| Layout in order admin form has some issues. Fixed |
| Multiple errors when creating bounding boxes. Fixed |
| Cannot see annotations from a collaborator in v2 linear review. Fixed |
| Keyboard shortcuts dont work in labeler v2. Fixed |
| When a worker opens labeler, display the instructions by default. Fixed |
| Non-clarifai users should have v2 only, clarifai accounts should have v2 by default with option to switch to v1. Fixed |
| Cursor should change to a crosshair when drawing a bounding box. Fixed |
| Cursor should change to an open hand when panning is selected and closed hand when grabbing/panning. Fixed |
| Reviewer cannot see annotations by collaborators. Fixed |
| If the reviewer is NOT the app owner, clicking review takes them to explorer. Fixed |
| Tooltip for labeler nav icon should be uppercase. Fixed |
| As a worker, if I return to Labeler, I should be able to continue from where I was previously. Fixed |
| LaaS orders can't assign inputs which block the workers. Fixed |
| Community users should have LaaS option grayed out with an explanation. Fixed |
| Make the "order admin view" text larger and prominent as a section header. Fixed |
| In labeler UI (worker), submit button should say "Submit Input for Review" to make it clear what the button does. Fixed |
| [P3] In all tasks view, only app owner should see edit/delete icons |
| Carousel blocks input visibility (not just video controls). Fixed |
| In labeler UI carousel, show a check for any input that was submitted, and gray it out slightly. Fixed |
| Separate annotation sagas + standardise request batching code (for v2 store) |
| When creating a task in an app w/ no concepts, “Select all concepts” should not be checked by default. There are no concepts created yet. Fixed |
| Update task status on task list |
| Deleting an annotation in reviewer deletes all annotations. Fixed |
| Too many scrollbars in sidebar. Fixed |
| Partition worker strategy Error. Fixed |
| Integrate feature gating with LaaS. |
| Panning state not in sync with drawing/moving. Fixed |
| Have to click the + button 2 times to make it work. Fixed |
| Dragging mouse outside of the canvas while drawing leaves the drawing in inconsistent state. Fixed |
| Delete icon on v2 sidebar deletes all annotations on the input. Fixed |
| Resizing shapes near the right edge of the frame causes weird resize behavior. Fixed |
| Entering date manually in Order control modal fixed |
| Carousel Thumbnail animation not working; images looking weird in aspect-ratio due to incorrect CSS |
| Task Form console errors. Fixed |
| Add video icon to carousel for video inputs. Fixed |
| When we use keyboard shortcuts to activate a concept for bounding boxes, show visual feedback |
| Cannot read property '0' of undefined. Fixed |
| Review tab shows new tasks that have no work ready to review. Fixed |
| Video Interpolation doesn't work. Fixed |
| Labeler UI sees last input even after submitting everything. Fixed |
| Box disappears for a second while drawing on video. Fixed |
| Disable worker input when editing a task. Fixed |
| Input data stops being fetched if labeler is exited once and revisited. Fixed |
| Make v2 annotations state flatter. Fixed |
| Darker colors poorly visible in sidebar region items. Fixed |
| Mysterious Phantom Boxes Appearing. Fixed |
| Video not loading. Fixed |
| Multiple boxes appearing. Fixed |
| Misaligned Boxes. Fixed |
| Bounding Boxes and Concepts inconsistent during video playback {Usability} . Fixed |
| Change Labeler to use getHostedAssetUrl. Fixed |
| Enable drawing even if annotations haven't loaded. Fixed |
| Use new feature flags at frontend & Labeler for all |
| Can't add Iris workers to LaaS order. Fixed |
| Instructions shouldn't be false while editing. Fixed |
| Labelers/Reviewers should not see "--" when the task does not have AI Assist enabled. Fixed |
| Carousel should show some visual feedback when an input has been rejected |
| Carousel flickers and re-renders images when submitting annotations. Fixed |
| Add loading indicator to labeler view when fetching data |
| Moving a polygon to the edge of the input causes it to patch outside the allowed range. Fixed |
| Wrong worker_per_input field. Fixed |
| Hide other regions during interpolation. Fixed |
| Concepts Tasks: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined. Fixed |
| Carousel should show some visual feedback when an input has been skipped |
| Polygon points are sometimes too small to click. fixed |
| Send embed model id for image annotations. Fixed |
| Skipping/Submitting annotations causes unnecessary rerenders of the entire carousel (all thumbs). Fixed |
| Get an error when submitting an input in a classification task. Fixed |
| Improve concept creation process for new apps that you want to label |
| Labeler Reviewer No longer renders assets. Fixed |
| Add "Orders" section to task list admin view |
| Add checkbox to task creation for LaaS Orders |
| List name field instead of id fields in task lists. Fixed |
| Set task error code and error description if task annotations pipeline fails |
| Label task submit error: Malformed or invalid request. Fixed |
| Label video - playback control issue fixed |
| Hovering annotations in sidebar of Labeler, should highlight the region in the image. |
| Jumping Boxes during video interpolation. Fixed |
| Polygon rendering in Labeler v2 |
| Virtual scrolling input carousel |
| LabelOrders not fetched when refresh at /labeler page. Fixed |
| Lock Edit feature for LaasOrders other than pending orders |
| Account for system states (inputId, taskID) between heartbeats and account for them in canvas interaction manager |
| Cleanup labelerv2 state on unmount |
| V2 Rendering Video Regions |
| V2 Video Interpolation |
| Labeler saga to process all remaining actions on input change & before user exits |
| Sometimes, bounding box values on Transformer go in the negative, Fixed |
| Task Form: Convert fps -> sample_ms |
| Let Clarifai user permissions for status & ETA change |
| Implement clarifai user journey for LaaS |
| Seperate LaaS order tasks from simple labeling tasks. |
| Edit task functionality for clarifai user |
| Include Order Task in "assigned to me" and "for review" |
| Regions disappeared in sidebar. Fixed |
| Implement a way for Clarifai users to review Order tasks |
| Video Rendering Sync with FPS |
| Reconcile V1 and V2 video frame index |
| Convert incorrectly created fps to sampleMs |
| Better signposting of task instruction preview panel |
| Reset Button doesn't work. Fixed |
| Can't go back from Labeler UI. Fixed |
| Collaborators can not add collaborators. Fixed |
| Labeler: Add both index and time to all video annotations |
| Implement polygon drawing |
| Toolbar Next & Previous button issue fixed |
| Worker filters don't work in review grid sidebar. Fixed |
| Fixed styling/layout of progress bar in the grid review page |
| Add "select all" link next to each concept heading in the grid |
| Integrate order task with current implementation for reviewer and worker |
| Modify Labelerv2 sagas to be compatible with listening to polygon events |
| Instructions editor should not show toolbar toggle, when in preview mode. Fixed |
| Worker strategy should be included while adding workers. Fixed |
| Task creation form concept field should correctly handle paginated response. Fixed |
| Partition worker strategy should only be selectable if you have more than 1 worker. Fixed |
| Labeler v2 submit functionality |
| GridReview: app crash due to code for getting reviewer name. Fixed |