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Release 7.2

New FeatureImprovementBug FixEnterprise Only


new-featureAdd Rust/Go/Swift/C++ gRPC clients to be built + released


new-featureSet up NextJS for marketplace
new-featureDelete and Deduplication UX for Explorer Sidebar
new-featureGrouping/Ranking/Prediction sliders in Explorer sidebar
improvementHide predictions tab for models having unsupported output_type
improvementAdd tests for model predictions
improvementMake error toast persistant (or at least stay longer)
improvementAdd integration tests for model-gallery - sortable-tables
improvementDesign change for model-mode filters into dropdown-filter
improvementAdopt auto-complete dropdown filters everywhere in Portal
bugClassification apps should always PATCH the input level annotation, not POST
bugCannot read property 'filterNot' of undefined


new-feature[Portal-Screen] Labeler-Tasks-Overview: Removed Pending-Inputs count from Task-List
improvement[Portal-Screen] Labeler-View: Added click-to-insert a new point on polygon edge
improvement[Portal-Screen] Labeler-View: Added Un-submitted Labels Warning
bugAI Assist threshold panel is too large
bugChange Worker mode submit button text from "Submit input for review" to just "Submit input"
bugKeybindings don't work unless the sidebar is "focused"
bugWhen submitting the last input in the carousel, I am taken back to admin view rather than fetching the next batch of inputs
bugZoom goes to 510% then to NaN


new-feature[Platform-Object] Training-Runner: Added Clarifai_EfficientDet template for Visual-Detector