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Release 10.5

Release Date: June 4th, 2024

New FeatureImprovementBug FixEnterprise Only

Data Labeling​

Private Preview

These data labeling features have been released as Private Preview.

new-featureIntroduced a new auto-annotation experience for labeling already existing inputs in datasets
  • You can now set up a labeling task and enable automatic annotation, streamlining the process of annotating your text and image inputs quickly and efficiently.
  • You can select a model or workflow you own or choose one published in the Community for the auto-annotation task.
  • You can also review and edit the annotations from auto-annotation tasks.
new-featureIntroduced the ability to manually review labeled inputs by partitioning them
  • You can now distribute inputs to be reviewed across multiple reviewers in the Labeling Tasks tool. This lets you automatically distribute labeled assets across multiple reviewers to improve the speed of review mode and reduce chances for a single point of dependence.

Devtools Integrations

new-featureIntegrated LiteLLM with Clarifai
  • LiteLLM is an open-source Python library that provides a unified interface to call 100+ Large Language Models (LLMs) using the same Input/Output format. It allows you to seamlessly interact with LLM APIs using the standardized OpenAI format. This integration aims to provide users with more powerful, efficient, and versatile tools for their Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks.

Deep Fine-Tuning

improvementMade improvements to deep fine-tuned templatesWe made significant improvements to various deep fine-tuned templates, enhancing the capabilities available for training your models. The updates include:

  • MMClassification visual classification template: Updated from version 1.5.0 to 2.1.0, offering improved features and performance for visual classification tasks.
  • MMDetection visual detection template: Updated from version 2.24.1 to 3.3.0, providing advanced capabilities and optimizations for visual detection tasks.
  • YOLOX support added: We introduced support for YOLOX, a state-of-the-art object detection training template, further expanding the tools available for high-performance object detection.

New Published Models

new-featurePublished new models

(Clarifai-hosted models are the ones we host within our Clarifai Cloud. Wrapped models are those hosted externally, but we deploy them on our platform using their third-party API keys)
  • Wrapped Snowflake Arctic-Instruct model, a cost-effective, enterprise-focused Large Language Model (LLM) that excels in SQL, coding, and instruction-following tasks, offering open access to its advanced AI capabilities.
  • Clarifai-hosted Qwen-VL-Chat, a high-performing Large Vision Language Model (LVLM) by Alibaba Cloud for text-image dialogue tasks, excelling in zero-shot captioning, VQA, and referring expression comprehension while supporting multilingual dialogue.
  • Clarifai-hosted CogVLM-Chat, a state-of-the-art visual language model that excels in generating context-aware, conversational responses by integrating advanced visual and textual understanding.
  • Wrapped GPT-4o, a multimodal AI model that excels in processing and generating text, audio, and images, offering rapid response times and improved performance across languages and tasks, while incorporating advanced safety features.
  • Wrapped Gemini 1.5 Flash, a cost-efficient, high-speed foundation LLM optimized for multimodal tasks, ideal for applications requiring rapid processing and scalability.
  • Wrapped WizardLM-2 8x22B, a state-of-the-art open-source LLM, excelling in complex tasks like chat, reasoning, and multilingual understanding, competing closely with leading proprietary models.
  • Wrapped Qwen1.5-110B-Chat LLM, with over 100 billion parameters, demonstrates competitive performance in base language tasks, shows significant improvements in chatbot evaluations, and boasts of multilinguality.
  • Wrapped Mixtral-8x22B-Instruct, the latest and largest mixture of expert LLM from Mistral AI with state-of-the-art machine learning model using a mixture 8 of experts (MoE) 22b models.
  • Wrapped DeepSeek-V2-Chat, a high-performing, cost-effective 236 billion MoE LLM, excelling in diverse tasks such as chat, code generation, and math reasoning.
  • Clarifai-hosted MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5, a high-performance, efficient 8B parameter multimodal model excelling in OCR, multilingual support, and multimodal tasks.
  • Wrapped Codestral-22B-v0.1, an advanced generative LLM designed for versatile and efficient code generation across 80+ programming languages.
  • Clarifai-hosted Phi-3-Vision-128K-Instruct, a high-performance, cost-effective multimodal model for advanced text and image understanding tasks.
  • Clarifai-hosted Openchat-3.6-8b model, a high-performance, open-source LLM fine-tuned from Llama3-8b with C-RLFT, delivering ChatGPT-level performance across various tasks.

New Published App Templates

new-featurePublished new app templates
  • Published Coding Template, which helps to streamline the development process by facilitating efficient code completion, bug detection, refactoring, and more.


new-featureAdded TypeScript (Node.js) SDK code snippets to the Use Model / Workflow modal windowIf you want to use a model or a workflow for making API calls, you need to click the Use Model / Workflow button at the upper right corner of the individual page of a model or workflow. The modal that pops up has snippets in various programming languages, which you can copy and use.

  • We introduced TypeScript SDK code snippets as one of the tabs. Users can now conveniently access and copy the code snippets directly from the modal.
improvementAdded a feature that redirects users to their previous page after logging in
  • If you are logged out, you will now be taken back to the page you were on after logging in.
improvementIntroduced the ability to add users who are not organization members to teams
  • This enhancement allows for greater flexibility in team composition and collaboration.
improvementRedesigned the user activation form for new Clarifai accounts
  • After signing up, users receive a verification email. Clicking the link in the email redirects them to the Clarifai platform to complete their profile details.
bugFixed an issue with sorting resources on mobile view
  • We fixed an issue where the Sort by feature was not visible. You can now easily sort resources using these criteria on your mobile device.
bugFixed delayed loading of page contents
  • Previously, the notes section on Community pages did not appear immediately on the first render. We fixed the issue, ensuring the contents now load promptly as expected.
bugFixed a UI issue with modals
  • We fixed a UI issue where modal buttons would overflow the borders if the window height was too small. With this fix, modals are now fully responsive, ensuring that buttons remain within the borders regardless of the window height.
bugFixed an issue with user onboarding
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Create Application modal from opening during the user onboarding process.
bugFixed an issue with the placeholder search text on the Community page
  • We fixed an issue where the placeholder text in the main page's search bar was partially hidden on smaller screen sizes or when the browser was resized. The placeholder text now displays properly across all devices and screen sizes.
bugFixed an issue with the table showing the current members of an organization
  • We fixed an issue with the organization members table where long names in the "Name" column would overflow the table elements. Long names now display correctly within the table.

Apps / Templates

improvementImproved the handling of unauthenticated usersIf a user is not logged in or lacks access to the app:

  • We hide the Inputs block and its values. So, the user cannot see the inputs details on the App Overview page.
  • We direct the user to available public resources (e.g. models) without prompting for a login.
improvementAdded a "Reindex" checkbox in the "Change Base Workflow" section
improvementMade improvements in the app settings page
  • Removed extra spaces in the tables within the API Keys and Collaborators sections on the app settings page for a cleaner and more streamlined layout.
improvementExpanded the list of available workflows when creating a new application
  • You can now choose from a broader selection of base workflows to better suit your needs.
bugFixed an issue with deleting an app
  • Previously, when deleting an app from the App Overview page, the pop-up dialog would remain open even though the app was successfully deleted. You had to refresh the page to close it. We fixed the issue, and now, upon deleting an app, the dialog closes, and you are redirected to the My Apps or Org Apps page.
bugFixed the position of the collapse button in the app sidebar
  • Previously, the button for collapsing the app sidebar was misaligned. We fixed the issue, and the button is now properly positioned.
bugFixed an issue with filtering app templatesTo view available templates, visit the Apps / Templates screen and select the "Templates" option.

  • Previously, when sorting templates by "Last Updated," the list mistakenly included both apps and templates. To view only templates, users had to manually select "All" and then "Templates" again.
  • We fixed the issue. Now, when you sort by "Last Updated" on the Templates page, only templates are displayed as intended.
bugFixed an issue with truncated template names
  • Previously, in the template selection screen for creating an app, long template names were truncated and unreadable. We fixed the issue. For example, now, if template names don't fit in the available space, they are omitted, and a tooltip saying "Clarifai's Templates" appears on hover.
bugAdded the ability to quickly delete the auto-completed App ID field
  • We introduced a cross (X) icon to the App ID and Short Description fields, allowing users to quickly erase contents when setting up an app using a template.

Platform Resource Management

improvementImproved ability to select a version of a resource
  • We introduced a standardized version selection feature across the platform, now available on both the Model-Viewer and Dataset-Viewer pages. This feature allows you to select and view specific versions of your resources using truncated digits and dates for easy identification.


improvementFixed an issue with the left sidebar
  • We fixed an issue where the left sidebar on the Input-Manager and Input-Viewer was not scrollable. Previously, this made it difficult to access all sidebar content. With this improvement, the left sidebar is now scrollable, allowing you to easily bring all parts into view.
bugFixed an issue with the scrolling behavior in the Input-Manager
  • Previously, when the first batch of Input-Manager search results was fully visible on the screen without requiring scrolling, the page entered a broken state. This state made it difficult to scroll down to view more inputs and resulted in failure to fetch the next batch of inputs. We fixed the issue, and the scrolling behavior now works as desired.


DeprecationDeprecated some tracker agent system operators
  • We deprecated the Neural Tracker and Neural Lite Tracker operators. These operators were previously used to chain together with other models in a workflow for object-tracking tasks in computer vision. We no longer support them.
bugFixed an issue with a redundant close button
  • We fixed an issue where a redundant close button appeared in the modal for updating text-to-text workflow nodes. Previously, this caused two close buttons to be displayed instead of one. With this fix, we removed the redundant close button, ensuring only one close button is displayed in the modal.

Python SDK

bugFixed an issue where get_upload_status would override log_warnings in the dataset.upload_dataset function
  • The issue occurred because self.logger was shared between both loggers, causing the upload status table to overwrite the log file when both get_upload_status and log_warnings arguments were used simultaneously. We fixed the issue.

Planning for Future Releases


Planned future breaking changes
  • An upcoming release of Clarifai’s API, 10.7, will significantly change how Personal Access Tokens (PATs) and API keys work. We plan to implement this change on August 6th, 2024. Learn more here.