| Added ability to create workflows with models from the different apps you own | - You can now use your models from different apps to create workflows in the Portal. Previously, you had to make the models from your different apps public before stringing them together in a workflow.
 | User disallowed from adding an untrained model version to a workflow graph | - When selecting a version for a model, untrained versions now have distinct styling, which makes it clear that they cannot be selected.
 | Improved the allowed file sizes for prediction inputs | - You can now upload your own video inputs of up to 100MB while image, audio, and text inputs are limited to 20MB.
 | Fixed the absence of video controls on video inputs | - Video inputs now have various buttons that a user can interact with and control the video.
 | Made it possible to use the text field to adjust a model’s Test_Split_Percent params correctly and set the value to a number | - Using the slider to adjust the Test_Split_Percent, Train_Info params when editing a model correctly sets the value to a number. However, previously, typing the value of the Test_Split_Percent in the text field adjusted the corresponding value to a string containing a number. This resulted in failed requests.
 | Fixed the invisibility of the “Edit Workflow” button after creating a workflow | - Previously, it could take several seconds before the “Edit Workflow” button appeared after creating a workflow. Or, it could appear after refreshing the page.
 | Fixed the disappearance of the “Edit Workflow” button when adding or removing examples | - The “Edit Workflow” button no longer disappears when adding or removing examples.
 | Fixed inability to edit the model ID on the “Edit Model Page” | - You can now edit the model ID on the “Edit Model Page”. Previously, editing the model ID was only possible on the “Model Viewer Page”.
 | Fixed sample prediction image not showing upon initially opening some models | - The default sample images for some models (such as logos-yolov5 and ocr-scene-english-paddleocr) were not displayed initially when their model pages were opened—although thumbnails were highlighted and predictions appeared.
 | Fixed issues with the update status button on the dataset viewer | - The update status button on the dataset viewer now works as expected.
 | Fixed crashing of prediction canvas when incorrect data is sent | - Prediction canvas no longer crashes. Previously, canvas could go blank due to non-region items sent to it.
 | Fixed possibility of a user creating datasets on another app without the required scopes | - The “Create Dataset” button is now hidden when a user misses the required “Datasets_Add” scope. This prevents a non-app owner from creating datasets in an app they do not have the necessary permissions.
 | Fixed the malfunctioning reloading after searching by input ID | - If you now reload a page after clicking on the search icon of an input to search by input ID, the page will reload as desired. Previously, after refreshing the page, the input ID was still in the URL, but it was not showing on the search results.